Client: Goodricke Teas
Digital Pujo Pandal 2020
The Challenge
2020. Enough said! But to be precise, it was how every event, throughout the year, was bought online! Durga Pujo, West Bengal’s biggest festival came at a time when people were still fearful of venturing out. Goodricke wanted to bring the festival home – both for our followers and their love ones.

The Solutions
What’s the thing people love most about Durga Pujo? It’s the pandals! So, we created a unique digital pandal that people could create, customize and share with their friends. The whole experience was interactive as well as mobile first, thus ensuring no users were left behind. E-cards could be made and shared, directly from the microsite itself.

The Results
In the week that the campaign ran, we saw over 13,000 visitors come and create their pandals. Not just that, apart from users, many small home based brands too created their unique e-cards and shared it with their followers as well, thus giving us an extensive organic footprint!

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