Usually, there’s no single data point that can act as a true measure of success for a brand.
With multiple channels and hubs, it’s hard to know where exactly your customers are coming from and what is driving them there.

Brand Analysis

Our in-depth analysis helps you find clarity in customer journeys
while also giving you ways to plug gaps in your entire digital ecosystem.

Our Approach

In order to deep dive into multi-channel data, we use some of the best analytics tools that the industry has to offer alongside our own homegrown proprietary tools. While AI and Machine Learning helps us collate and organize data, it is human insight that helps us sieve through it and bring forth key learnings.

The human factor also applies to sentiment learning, which uses a thorough analysis of your feedback channels, complaints portals, customer perceptions etc. With a combination of such tangibles as well as intangibles, we help create a wholesome review of your brand; the way your customers see it.

Our Expertise

What sets us apart is the fact that we don’t have a team of software operators, we have a team of data interpreters who put harvested data to good use. Extensive competitor studies, Design and Communication overviews along with various quality score parameters are looked at by our experts to give you a fresh new perspective on your own brand.

How We Do It


Collation of multi-channel data with leading industry tools as well as homegrown tools.


Customer Journey Analysis to figure drop-off points and opportunity losses.


Design, Interfaces and Communication inspections to provide audience perception based learnings.


Feedback monitoring and sentiment analysis to highlight obstacles and problem areas for end users.

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